Volunteers Needed!
Do you have time in your day and compassion in your heart? CFC can always use help. There are several ways you can be of service to coastside community cats.
Volunteer to help feed in the morning. Between stops made by Jane and our helpers, dozens of cats get their one daily meal. It doesn’t have to be every day or even once a week. Any help is always welcome! A video of our morning routine can be found here.
We occasionally have a cat that needs fostering. Semi-feral cats often just need a little help in order to make to make the leap from the parking lot to your lap! Some are domestic cats who were abandoned or lost, or more trustful ferals like Pokey, who were ready to come in from the cold. Please let us know if you might be able to help in this way. You don't need to be an expert - you just need to have an open heart and a warm lap! CFC will supply medical care, food and coaching, while a forever home is sought.
Donate food or supplies! Feeding as many cats as we do every day can get expensive. If you have food – canned or dry – to pass along, let us know!
If any of these options appeals, reach out to Jane Ganahl.