Coastside Feral Care:
Helping Homeless Cats since 2015!

Welcome to our website!

Our nonprofit works to improve the lives of feral and stray cats on the San Mateo County coast. (See below for our mission statement.) We routinely have cats or kittens for adoption, often have need for foster homes, and always welcome volunteers to help feed and care for these beautiful - and often misunderstood - creatures.  And, as a non-profit, we depend on your support.

This small coastal town, like so many towns across the country, has a large population of feral and stray cats. Sometimes they were born in the wild and learn to adapt; others are cats who lived in homes but were either abandoned by their families, or got lost. These homeless animals struggle for survival.  Our purpose is to limit the population, fill their bellies with food, find homes for the adoptable ones, and help them survive... and even thrive! For more information on how we do our work. 

With your help, we can continue our compassionate efforts. Please consider making a contribution by going to the donation page! And thanks for your interest! 

For a story on how Coastside Feral Care came to be, click here for a story from our local newspaper! The accompanying video can be found here.

Our Mission

Jane Ganahl and the late Maggie Cooney founded Coastside Feral Care to ease the suffering of homeless community cats by:

·     Continuing the work we have been doing in feeding them, providing nourishment so they know they have a place to go for their daily meal,

·     Trapping new cats and having them spayed/neutered (stopping the cycle of new kittens), vaccinated, and having their general health assessed.  And, when necessary, providing ongoing veterinary care to the sick or wounded, and,

·     Finding homes for kittens and adoptable adults, and releasing the wilder ones back to their original colony, where we can continue to care for them.

At Coastside Feral Care we believe that all animals, including those without homes, are entitled to a decent quality of life with good food, good health, and human care.